
2017年3月10日—iNtercom這一個小巧的程式可以說是完全實現把『手機當無線對講機』的軟體,支援藍牙與Wifi連接,都是真正直接連線,不需要對外的網路連線,單看手機 ...,TheIntercomConversationsappletsteammatesaccessalltheirIntercomconversationsandcustomersfromtheiriPhoneoriPad.Intercomisthefirstto ...,TheIntercomConversationsappletsteammatesaccessalltheirIntercomconversationsandcustomersfromtheiriPhoneori...

intercom app教學

2017年3月10日 — iNtercom 這一個小巧的程式可以說是完全實現把『手機當無線對講機』的軟體,支援藍牙與Wifi 連接,都是真正直接連線,不需要對外的網路連線,單看手機 ...

在App Store 上的「Intercom Conversations」

The Intercom Conversations app lets teammates access all their Intercom conversations and customers from their iPhone or iPad. Intercom is the first to ...

Intercom Conversations on the App Store

The Intercom Conversations app lets teammates access all their Intercom conversations and customers from their iPhone or iPad. Intercom is the first to ...

Intercom Conversations

Designed to feel like the messaging apps you use every day, Intercom lets you talk to consumers almost anywhere: inside your app, on your website, across social ...

Intercom for Android

2020年5月28日 — 適用於Android的對講機可讓您通過藍牙和Wifi與其他Android和iOS(Infinite iNtercom)設備進行群組通話。 Android對講機就像一個簡單的對講機(雙向 ...

3G Intercom : 語音對講機App(IOS)簡介

該APP支持所有由Gainwise技術生產的門鈴對講機和所有門鎖控制器。 安裝APP可以輕鬆遠程控制所有設備,APP也可以同時添加許多不同的對講機或門鎖控制器,一並管理與控制。


A single, powerful, easy-to-use platform · Reporting · Customer data · Behavioral data · Custom Actions · Apps and integrations · APIs and webhooks.

App Store

Categories · Built by Intercom · Seamlessly schedule meetings · Measure and improve your NPS · Effortlessly issue surveys · Supercharge customer data. View ...

Intercom for Mobile Apps

Intercom's integrations for Android and iOS apps help you engage and retain more users, get quality product feedback, and help users inside your mobile ...

Intercom 對講機App,不用網路就能通話!雙向廣播

免網路!Intercom 對講機App,利用藍芽、開啟手機的WiFi無線基地台發射器,或是在相同的Wifi網路,用Android和iPhone傳送和接收聲音,就像傳統的手持無線對講機一樣, ...